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Focus of the Year

Quality Education Fund Programme – Free Play

1. Through this programme, children are able to develop games autonomously and freely, acquire new knowledge and experience, learn how to get along and cooperate with others, and enhance their problem-solving skills.

2. In order for our teachers to strengthen their role as a facilitator during Free Play, teachers join hands in co-planning and preparation for activities and conduct post evaluations. Thus, by mastering the pedagogy and funcionings of free play, which enhances our teachers’ professionalism in fostering students’ learning.

3. Parent seminars and workshops are organised for parents to understand the philosophy of free play education, while motivating them to activily participate and supporting our school’s holistic development.

Education Objective

Provide child care services and instruct children to learn according to their potential and development needs.
Join hands with parents to shoulder the responsibility of nurturing children
with an all-round development in ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics,
enabling them to grow up healthy and happy.

Overall Programme Objectives


Assist children in building self-confidence and positive self-images.


Nurture children to be considerate individuals who care for and cherish the people and matters they encounter.


Arouse children's interests in learning, and assist them in establishing a positive learning attitude and developing good habits.


Develop children’s multi-dimensional and logical thinking capabilities and enhance their problem-solving potential.


Strengthen children's resilience in coordinating their body parts and enhance their self-caring capability.


Cultivate children with good social skills so that they can communicate with people properly, respect others and develop a sense of responsibility.


Inspire children’s appreciation, creativity and imagination; and educate them to cherish life and value good things in everyday life.


Join hands with parents to shoulder the responsibility of nurturing children.

Teaching Elements

The holistic learning activities developed by our Curriculum and Development Committee encourage children to learn through explorations.

In line with the school-based curriculum features, the activities cover a broad variety of pedagogical elements.

Language Development

Project-based Learning Approach

Emotional and Social Development

Quality Review Report by Education Bureau

Sham Tseng Nursery School

Admission Details